Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh My, So That's What That Means!

Billboard on the road outside Dublin, Ireland.

So, I have a weird job sometimes. Do you know what a "vegetarian hot lunch" is? I didn't, and could have happily gone through life not knowing. However, thanks to a client and Urban Dictionary (not the link to the actual term. You really want to know, you'll have to work for it.), I will never be able to clean the term out of my brain.

Why was I roaming around the Urban Dictionary site looking up sex terms and opening some seriously risque photos at work? Because my creative team, which consists of two fairly devout Christians, two college-minded dirty birds, and me (somewhere in between), was charged with brainstorming tag lines for our client's rapid HIV testing outreach campaign to the youth of our community. Needless to say, there was lots of blushing, a few "what does that mean?" questions, and tons of inappropriate giggling.

While we came up with some ideas that would fit right into your average frat party, the winning line was, "Another good thing to put in your mouth." Now, I just need to finish my illustration of an open mouth and a long oval box containing in the line. But first, I think I need to delete my browser history.

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