Friday, February 19, 2010

Being Dumb and Knowing Better

I'm not entirely sure which part of my brain won some crazy brain ro-sham-bo contest to get dibs overruling rational decision making to just do moronic shit like all the time.

For example, walking up stairs and deciding to take a drink at the same time. (Wet and almost dead.) Or setting my brand new laptop down precariously balanced on my sofa's arm before running to answer the door. (It turned on again.)

And it's not even that I don't recognize the stupidity of these ideas as the come up. More often than not I fully call the disaster that is about to occur...and proceed to do it anyway! What, like this time logic is just going to give me a pass?

Sometimes I wonder if these are self-destructive tendencies buried down in my subconscious. I prefer to think I'm just optimistic.

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